2.10: Learn Medical Terminology and Human Anatomy

2.10: Learn Medical Terminology and Human Anatomy

Working in medical coding involves becoming fluent in medical terminology. Learn some of the most common anatomical and surgical terms by looking at prefixes, suffixes, and roots.

In our previous courses, you may have noticed a number of complex anatomy and physiology terms getting tossed around. Our complete medical terminology list will help you learn some of the most common anatomical and surgical terms by looking at prefixes, suffixes, and roots.

Let’s start off with the basics.


Many times you’ll encounter a medical term that contains a prefix that describes a number. Here are a few of the most common.

Mono-, uni-OneUnilateral

Directions and Positions

In medicine, you’ll often encounter terms that describe where a procedure or condition takes place on the body.

Ab-Away fromAbduction
Ecto-, exo-OutsideEctoparasite

There are also a number of positional and directional medical terms that are not suffixes or prefixes, but are instead standalone words. Here is a short medical billing terminology list of some of the most valuable.

Anterior or ventralAt or near the front surface of the body“Anterior nerves”
Posterior or dorsalAt or near the real surface of the body“Dorsal surface of the hand”
SuperiorAbove“Superior (cranial) aspect”
InferiorBelow“Inferior aspect”
LateralSide“Lateral aspect”
DistalFarthest from center“Axons distal to the injury”
ProximalNearest to centerProximal end of the forearm”

Basic Anatomy Terms

This medical billing terminology list will help you navigate the CPT and ICD manuals, decipher doctor’s reports, and give you a more thorough understanding of the medical practice in general. Let’s look now at a few basic terms for the regions of the body. You might recognize some of them.

WordBody Part
DigitalFingers and toes
HalluxGreat toe
LumbarLoin (lowest part of the spine below the false ribs and between the hips)
OccipitalBack of head


Now that we’ve taken a look at the terms that describe the major regions of the body, let’s turn to some conditions that may affect those body parts in this medical terminology list.

Dys-Bad, painful, difficultDyslexia
Eu-Good, normalEukaryote
Iso-Equal, sameIsotope
Mal-Bad, poorMalnutrition
-lysisDestruction, break downDialysis
-opathyDisease ofNeuropathy
-pneaBreathingSleep apnea

Surgical Procedures

Let’s wrap up this vocabulary review with a look at some of the most common surgical procedures. Since it’s always imperative to list where on the body a surgical procedure was performed, these vocabulary terms are a small but useful addition to this section. Memorize this medical terminology suffixes list and you’ll know instantly what kind of procedure was performed, even if you don’t know exactly what the procedure did.

-centesisPuncture a cavity to remove fluidAmniocentesis
-ectomySurgical removal or excisionHysterectomy
-ostomyA new permanent openingTracheostomy
-otomyCutting into, incisionGastrotomy
-orrhaphySurgical repair or sutureGastrorrhaphy
-opexySurgical fixationNephropexy
-oplastySurgical repairRhinoplasty
-otripsyCrushing or destroyingLithotripsy

Note that you can also use your CPT manual to study human anatomy vocabulary. Current CPT manuals come with instructive illustrations, diagrams, and charts all throughout the book, including a medical terminology abbreviations list. In the front of the CPT manual, you should be able to find a list of anatomical illustrations. Bookmark this page and refer to it in case you’re looking for an illustration of the eye or inner ear, or need to remember which artery goes where. Also, be sure to download our ebook for more detailed tables on medical terminology.

In the next section, find our medical terminology abbreviations list.

Video: Learn Medical Terminology and Human Anatomy

Working in medical coding involves becoming fluent in medical terminology, and this video will show you how. Our complete medical terminology list will help you learn some of the most common anatomical and surgical terms by looking at prefixes, suffixes, and roots.